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We are back all in one piece, totally tanned, relaxed and with a “slightly” wider waist as well J.

We are back all in one piece, totally tanned, relaxed and with a “slightly” wider waist as well J.


The cruise was “unique” J – definitely glad we went on it. Sea days were extremely relaxing and the port days were amazing. We did have really great weather especially on shore days which made swimming. Snorkelling and trekking on the islands all the more fun. I’m about 10 shades browner than I was!


I think Dave and I enjoyed Port Villa and Wala ports in Vanuatu the most. Noumea was also nice although a couple of the shop people were a little bit prudish! Otherwise it was a great experience!


Malka & David…Happy New Year!


Bula Fiji


Lovely New Caledonia


I saw a fish this big!


Church of Easo, Lifou


Church of Easo


Cute local bungalow


Local carving


We had a great day


Where to next_


Port Vila


Vanuatu was our favourite


So pretty


One big bench!


Cascades waterfall

