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We also loved eating fresh BBQ seafood at the little restaurants right on the beaches in Koh Phangan – hard to beat!!

Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for helping organise our honeymoon!  We arrived back home yesterday morning so we are busy catching up on things back home again today.  We had a wonderful time and it was great seeing the three different places.  The hotels were fantastic too – thanks so much!!


We really loved Singapore – the Shangri La was awesome and so handy to walk to all the sites. We also loved eating fresh BBQ seafood at the little restaurants right on the beaches in Koh Phangan – hard to beat!!  The pool villa at Anantara was also pretty special 🙂  Hong Kong was also fantastic – it wasn’t too cold, and we managed to fit it shopping, checking out the markets and the sights which was a fun way to end the honeymoon.


Thanks again for helping to organise such a wonderful honeymoon!


Kind regards,




Shangri-la Singapore Garden Wing City View Room


Singapore at dusk


Koh phangan waters


Private entrance into villa, Anantara Rasananda


Our beautiful villa bathroom at Anantara Rasananda, Koh Phangan, Thailand


Our private pool at Anantara Rasananda


The water was amazing!


Hong Kong – what a colourful city!


Langham Place, Hong Kong


Hong Kong from our hotel


Hong Kong junk