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Rey and i were in awe at abundance and variety of corals and fish…

It’s so sad to be back after coming from such an amazing place. the Maldives really is s beautiful as the photos!


The Beach House is beautiful and the Water Villas were just amazing! It is so spacious and the mini plunge pool is a must as we used it all the time, especially during sunset. We also went snorkeling around our villa every morning and there were so many fishes. We even saw a shark! The snorkeling during our half day tour was the best we have seen. Rey and i were in awe at abundance and variety of corals and fish..too bad our underwater camera died on us!


We were so sad to leave the island life..waking up, snorkelling, eating buffet breakfast (which is so good there!), lounging around Infitiny or Amazon, having lunch, more lounging around at our deck, and more eating at Dinner! The people there were so friendly and really look after you.


Thank you again, Ella for organising our Honeymoon! Rey and I want to do this every 5 years or so 🙂




Rey in the plunge pool at Beach House at Iruveli, Maldives  (now JA Manafaru)


Water villa at sunset


The bathroom!




Villa deck


Dining on the beach at Medium Rare


Rey in the Infinity pool