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Dinner in the wine “cellar”, a massive refrigerated glass box! Probably one of the best meals I have ever eaten!

The wedding day was lovely.  A bit touch and go with the weather – the ceremony was outside and it was threatening to rain all day.. it just started very lightly drizzling just as Tam was walking down the aisle.. but it only lasted about 5 minutes then the sun came out and it was fine thereafter.  Was a great day but quite exhausting!


No problems with the travel.. transit in singapore was a couple of hours – but plenty to do at the airport.. Arrival in male was fine – met by the six senses rep who took our bags and sorted us out for the smaller trip to the other airport. Had about a 90 minute wait at the domestic terminal for our flight – there is a lounge area with food and drink and free wifi which was quite nice.  Then smaller plane – which stops at another airport before our stop – took about another hour or so in total, then on to a boat to take us to six senses. Great views of the atolls which are really as beautiful as the pictures!


Six senses was totally amazing.  Arrived late afternoon, met by our personal concierge and shown around the island.  Our villa was right at the end of jetty A – on the west side but so far out that we weren’t facing any of the villas on jetty B so it was very private.  And of course the way they are set up you aren’t facing any of the villas next door either.  Very rustic and charming decor – it was very relaxed.  Tam loved the bath and the (sort of) outdoor shower.  And really nice outdoor area with direct access to the sea.


Had dinner that night in the restaurant which was totally amazing.  We both love food and wine and were shocked at how amazing the quality was – something we weren’t expecting in the standard dinging option that was included with our board.  Easily on par with the best places we have eaten elsewhere around the world. Breakfast was very good too. Lovely staff – mostly local people as wait staff, who all had interesting stories about their home.. We made a bit of a point to chat to most of the staff in the restaurant and seemed to always get the best table and service compared to the other guests!


So for other night dinners – we ate in our room one night which was also very nice. They have a buffet 2 nights per week – one night is asian and the other is seafood – both were really good too – they have a ‘local food’ station at each of these nights where they bring in some local women to cook some food which was a nice touch.  We also decided to do the wine tasting degustation dinner – which was simply incredible. Dinner in the wine “cellar” which is a massive, refrigerated glass box. Probably one of the best meals i have ever eaten, and amazing wine – with a great service and info from the sommelier. Well worth the money if you know of anyone else going I can heartily recommend it.  We did the “dining in the dark” as well – it was pretty good (trying food blindfolded) but not sure if we would do it again because it just wasn’t as mind blowing as the wine dinner.


Apart from that, I did some scuba diving.. Tam went to the spa a couple of times.  lots of relaxing and swimming and enjoying the sunshine.  It was a really great break and such a beautiful island.  Got to see some turtles hatching on the beach one morning also which was cool. Apparently dolphins swim past the island every day but we never saw any – beautiful fish though in the reefs and saw some massive turtles when i was diving.  Stingrays swam past (and underneath!) our villa fairly frequently.


Singapore was great as well.  We pretty much just wandered around, did some shopping. went to marina bay sands which has a great view and looks amazing from the outside but the seems to be “the place to be” at the moment.  Pool looked awful because of how many people were in it at the time we visited.  Shangri-la was lovely though and the service was very very good.


So thanks again for all of your help – it really was a fantastic honeymoon. Thanks Ella!


Dan & Tamla

Six Senses Laamu Water Villa


Six Senses Laamu Water Villa Deck


Six Senses Laamu Spa


Six Senses Laamu Spa Treatment Pod


Six Senses Laamu Chill at night